Sunday, May 13, 2012


If you have a problem with transparency then you should not follow this blog i will talk openly and honestly about all aspects of my life. Yes this includes sexuality and some of it may be explicit. I ahve to write this blog the only way I know and often it will seem disjointed but that is just how my mind is. You see I live a shattered existence in more ways than one.

Life after Addiction

First I would like to say Happy Mothers Day to all of you. I would have liked to have heard that from the mouth of the children I gave birth to but I guess that will not happen today. It is all a part of living with the consequences of my failure as a person. 

Long ago I took the cowards way out of a bad situation. I ran instead of standing and fighting. I allowed fear of others turn me into persona non gratis in my children's lives. Now that I am older, cleaner and wiser I want to rebuild some of my life's bridges, there were not many that were completely destroyed but they all could use a face lift.

I love myself today and i now see myself as a capable human being but I still have a long way to go to make something out of what is left of my life. right now I an trying my hand at internet marketing but getting seed money to try those passive cash flow schemes is not easy. I will keep you posted on my progress.