Friday, December 30, 2011


I think the reason I am overweight again is because I am miserable and I eat to sooth my emotions. I just walked away from a 7 year live-in relationship. I left everything I had worked hard for behind because I was miserably unhappy. The thing is I am still unhappy buenposted when they I am no longer afraid and there is none of the physical and mental abuse. I have packed on a good 30 pounds and it is damaging me physically. I have to get this weight off and soon. I have about 1200.00 sitting in my paypal account that has not been released to me. I need it to get my total transformation kit and get on my way.

Dear Friends I made the biggest mistake ever, ran into the first real boyfriend I ever had on Facebook and we had a steamy written and telephone internet affair. I soon realized I was being cyber-stalked by this woman and she was always posting that she was with him at this place or that and she even posted when they had sex or he slept over. Now you know this guy said she was lying and yes they had a brief thing but it was nothing and that it was over. If you are shaking your head and going unh hunh, then we are on the same page. I played with ti for a little while cause it took my mind off the break-up.

there was talk of me joining him in his town and us making a go of it and yet...I could not mention on face book that we were an item...can you say "RED FLAG" ...I don't know what I found amusing the most that he thought I was that gullible or that he did respect me at all and thought I was un-worthy of the truth. Now I do not go in for emotional blackmail and this guy tried it with me not once but twice. Any time I had an issue with his callousness or questioned him about something she posted he said maybe we should just break it off. The second time he said it I did. You see the reason I know he was still with Barb cause she posted that he had said the same exact words to her. lol I am so glad I was not serious but playing in the first place but it was getting to the point that i was beginning to feel a bond and I will not allow myself to care for another insensitive boob ever.


2012 will be the beginning of my 50th year on this planet and I am not at all satisfied with my life as it is today. I have designated this year as a year of total transformation. I am looking to transform not just my outward appearance but also my inner woman. I know as I grow and change there will be a lot of people that are in my life right now that won't survive this journey. When I was dealing with an addiction 20 years ago I was taught one thing that the only thing in life that you have power to change is you and that is where I am going to begin. I am going to focus on me and God and let him lead me this year. I will remain relationship free for this year...Men derail me.